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 Times Square, New York City

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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 8:41 pm

Times Square, New York City Nye07h10

CNN Newscast Booth
Overlooking Times Square, New York City
31st December, 2011

"Good evening, listeners and welcome back to our coverage of this years New Year celebrations. We are approximatly two hours before midnight.

A steady crowd has been filling the square tonight, with expectations - and anxiety - about the coming year running high. We now go to Celeste, our anchorwoman, who is currently groundside for tonight's festivities. Celeste?"
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 11:51 pm

Andrew grunted as a 10mm round bounced off his Lyons Pride T-45D Power Armor. The bullet shattering upon impact, little fragments scattering across the armor. Leaving a spider-web of scratches across his shoulder pauldron. The Lone Wanderer raised his R91 Assault Rifle, expertly fitting the rifle's stock into the pocket of his shoulder. His finger twitched twice, taking the light recoil rather well. The 'Backtalker's distinctive report sounding throughout the street.

Two 5.56x45mm NATO Rounds flew through the air, towards their target that sat in a second floor window of a bombed out hospital. Pockmarked with two centuries of combat that had occured throughout this city. Each round slicing through the exposed flesh of the Raider's chest, what little armor they even wore was inneffective at stopping anything short of a pellet gun.

The man grasped his wounds as the rounds tumbled through his chest. The Raider released his grip on the N99 Pistol he held, the large caliber pistol slipping through his failing fingers, and clattering to the worn, marble floor. The Raider slowly leaned forward, before toppling out of the window and collapsing on a dumpster, covered in it's own fair share of bullet holes.

Andrew scanned his field of fire, no more Raiders were left standing. The Brotherhood of Steel Knight had cleared the entire group of them, at least ten in total. That was actually a rather large group in the Capital Wasteland, for scavenging nomads who were psycotic freaks.

The Lone Wanderer brushed some dust off his R91, admiring the rifle. He had become accustomed to the weapon back in the Marines. When he served in China and Alaska.

Andrew pushed those thoughts aside; as real as they felt, those weren't his memories. They were fake, computer programmed. But it didn't stop him from reminiscing about his false ten-year war, based off the real war.

Just as Andrew looked up from his R91, and he felt the sun scorched, shattered asphalt disappear from his armored boots. Andrew looked down in surprise, and dropped eight feet to a large crowd below. He could hear screams coming from them, a mixture of joy, and surprise coupled with fear.

The 'Urban Legend' of the wastes smacked into the ground, landing on his side. There was a loud clang as his T-45D connected with the asphalt. Andrew glanced around at the sights around him, thinking quickly. There was nothing he'd seen like this in his real life, but his fake life recalled this place. A massive, dropping ball. Tall skyscrapers. He was in New York's Time Square, probably during the new year.

Even worse, there was several camera's pointing in his direction, and the crowd gasped at him in shock.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 11:57 pm

The news anchor in the booth cupped his hand to a monophone headset as his expression turned from melencholy boredom to utter surprise as he announced to the cameras in front of him, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am getting scattered reports of some ... thing that has fallen out of mid-air and landing in the middle of Times Square. Here are some of the startling images our crews have picked up."

For any viewers that were watching the broadcast, a number of images appeared: surrounded by a throng of people, someone who looked like a futuristic armoured knight rose up from the broken asphalt he had landed on, an assault rifle held loosly in his hands. His mannerisms were that of utter confusion - the witnessess to the event were similarly surprised at this ruckus.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 12:01 am

"God damnit..." Andrew muttered under his breath, as he attracted the attention of every damn person in this plaza. Which happened to be a couple hundred, even thousands.

The Brotherhood of Steel Knight began to slowly back away, spying an alley way over a waist-high metal rail. After a few more steps backwards, the Lone Wanderer spun to his right, speeding off towards the alley, preparing to mantle over the barrier.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 7:56 am

Overhearing the rukus being caused in the square, and as the causer of the disturbance barged through the crowd and fled, an NYPD officer spotted the fleeing Andrews and barked, "Hey, you! Stop immediately!"

The officer took off with a compatriot of his running behind him. A twinge of anxiety crept through the officer as the pair spotted the assault rifle cradled in Andrews' hands.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 8:04 am

Andrew looked over his shoulder as he heard a voice demand he stop, the Knight spotted what looked like two Police Officers rushing towards him. No doubt they were armed, but probably with low-caliber weapons. They'd knock the wind out of him, but he doubt they could do any real, lasting damage.

How the fuck had he ended up here? Was this a hallucination? Had he fallen into Vault 116 without realizing it? It didn't really matter, it wasn't time to think. It was time to act.

The Lone Wanderer grasped the metal barrier infront of him, and jumped over. He landed in a half crouch, turning on the balls of his feet, and shifting into a full crouch while lining up a shot at the officers. He pulled the trigger twice, one round smashed into a street lamp above their heads. Shattering the light and raining down glass. The second cracked into a trashcan, bending the weak metal inwards and knocking it over.

The Knight then spun around whilst standing, taking off into the alleyway. Hoping that he'd caused a proper distraction without spilling blood.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 8:21 am

The officers yelped in alarm and covered their faces and heads as broken glass rained down on them - the distraction allowed their quarry to take off again.

As the pair charged after the retreating Lone Wanderer again, one of the officers radioed in, "Shots fired! Shots fired! Requesting immediate officer assistance at the S.E area of Times Square."

The reply crackled back, "Acknowledged. Closest units moving in on your position. ETA 2 minutes."
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 7:32 pm

Andrew kept running, lifting each armored leg in front of the other. Time and time again he had to run like this in the wasteland, in full gear of course. This was nothing, he'd like to see those police officers try to keep up with him. But no doubt they had backup and motor vehicals nearby, he'd have to move... and hopefully he wouldn't be forced into violence.

The Lone Wanderer left the short alleyway, taking a quick glance around at the concrete jungle he was in. The man took a right, heading down the street. He could hear the loud, distinctive blare of sirens nearby. "God damnit," he swore again.

Suddenly the Knight darted off to the right, ramming his shoulder into the door of what looked like some rundown apartment building. Shattering off the doorknob, and stepping inside. Andrew rushed up the stairs, which were right in the middle of the room. The ghetto 'lobby' seemed empty, along with the stairwell. Allowing the Lone Wanderer to climb several floors without incident.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 7:37 pm

Coming to a T-junction in the alleyway, the two officers glanced left and right in utter confusion. The junction fed out into a main street and, despite the sirens in the distance , the two officers seemed to have lost sight of their quarry.

"Oh, hell! Where is he?" one of them quipped in frustration as the other was again on the line to their command post, updating the situation.

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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 7:45 pm

Andrew soon reached the sixth floor, but this time there were people. Two men, to be exact. One was a tall, black man. The other was a shorter, white man. They seemed to be passing off a bag of some sort of green plant, and several pre-war dollar bills.

The black man turned to glance at Andrew, his eyes widening as he spotted the heavily armored man with a R91. The gangbanger raised the Glock 17 he held loosely in his right hand, turning towards Andrew while backing up. The white man bolted in the opposite direction, down a hall.

Three nine millimeter rounds struck Andrew, knocking the wind out of him. "Damn!"

The Lone Wanderer had no choice but to return fire, due to his lack of cover. His R91 spit out the 5.56 rounds. It's loud report echoing throughout the building; it's muzzle flash reflecting off a nearby window. The drug dealer fell backwards into the hall, two entrance and exit wounds on his upper torso. Blood had already begun to pool around his body.

Andrew swore once more, continuing his journey upwards.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 8:20 pm

Terran Dropship 2-7
In atmospheric holding pattern
Mar Sara, Korpalu Sector

September, 2501

Within the darkiened confines of th dropship, seven blood-red armoured figures sat, coarse barrack-room banter going back and forth between all of these Terran Marines as they discussed everything from home to the latest situation on the front. These men were expected to be deployed groundside within a matter of hours .... if their commander, an inexperianced Captain, would permit it.

"So," one of the Marines spoke up. "Anybody know our XO down there?"

A second Marine, a heavily accented Slavic, snorted, "Captain Bock. He's an idiot." This was met with jeers and mutters of approval from the others - Marines, who were often former convicts and criminals, had a natural tendancy to be disdainful of authority (with the exception of volunteers and those Marines who eventually wizened up to reality).

A third, known as Lister, nudged his squad leader and gestured to a shadowy alcove towards the rear of the dropship, where a shadowy figure sat in silence. "Hey, Sarge, what's with the Ghost?"

The dark-skinned squad leader shrugged. "You got me."
"Don't say much."
"They never do."

"Heh, watch this." Lister grinned as he called out, "Hey, tough guy! What's with the loner crap?"

The shadow remained silent, not even twitching a leg or an arm; the former of which was visable within the weak lighting.

"Why don't you come down here and sit with the real men?" Lister jeered.

That seemed to have got the Ghost's attention, who uncrossed legs and leaned forward into the light. To the Marines' astonishment, a blonde-haired, green eyed and armoured woman glared back at them, not saying a single word to the Marines. The others laughed or joked amongst themselves as Lister cringed, realising his mistake. The Ghost, satisfied that she managed to put Lister down a peg, sat back in her alcove, a smug grin on her face.

"Reeeal smooth, Lister." a Marine piped up.

"Shut up."

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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 8:34 pm

Andrew stopped at the eight floor, speeding off into the hallway on the floor. He began to turn the knobs on several doors, each one turning out to be locked. He didn't have much time, no doubt some Special Weapons and Tactics Team would be here in minutes, he probably counted as a terrorist threat.

"Motherfucker!" The Lone Wanderer cursed as every door on the floor was locked. He spun on his heel, armored boots scraping against the concrete floor; Andrew sprinted towards the stairs, knowing he didn't have much time. But he forced down any panic that had surfaced, now was not the time.

The Knight reached the stairs, stomping upwards once more; Andrew quickly noticed how halfway up this flight, the stairs became enclosed by four walls, with a door at the end. It was the roof, he really didn't have much choice now, however.

Andrew pushed open the door, stepping out into the dim moonlight, door swinging shut behind him as the 'former Marine' sweeped his R91 back and forth, checking the roof.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 8:45 pm

The next minute or so of conversation was violently cut off as the dropship rocked, the lights sputtering out and replaced with crimson alert lighting instead. Evidently, the Zerg, the aliens the Marines had been fighting on Mar Sarra, had dispatched Mutalisks in an attempt to shoot the transports down shortly after Captain Bock finally gave them authorisation to deploy. The Captain, most in the dropship had noticed, was in a panic.

"Lambert and Irving are down," their pilot cooly reported as the Marines readied their gaus rifles and the Ghost checked her CA20 automatic canister rifle. "And I got bugs everywhere on my tail. We're not going to make it to the LZ, so I'm going to put you down as close as I can to the target area. Hold on tight back there - we are going in hard and fast."

Another minute passed until the distinctive ca-clunk of the dropship's landing gear signalled they had touched down.

"I don't plan on staying here very long. Don't let the door hit your asses on the way out." the pilot quipped as the forward ramp began to lower.

"Alright, let's move out" Sarge bellowed to the others as the Marines charged down the ramp.

As the Ghost followed after them, and just as a boot touched Mar Sarran soil, the world blurred around her. Her vision blackened for a second, only to be replaced with a night-time cityscape unlike anything she had ever seen before. She was standing in the middle of a major road and she glanced around, realising, to her horror, that there was no sign of the dropship or her escort Marine detachment.

"What?" she hissed in shock.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 9:41 pm

SWAT Sergeant Tony Dakota was a two months from retirement. He had a wife and two kids at home waiting for him to get back from work like every day. His team was dispatched to deal with this armed and dangerous hostile, in heavy armor, who had terrorized the people in Times Square. They had almost reached the destination so the time was prepping their weapons before they arrived. Tony had just inserted his magazine into the receiver when he felt a weight lighter than that of a human but not too much on his lap and saw a womanly figure in a black and red full body suit "appear" on his lap. His jaw dropped.( affraid )
Lia'Rena vas Icol ( alien ) had been in the engine core, repairing the drive. Once it was done, the Quarian went back to the cockpit and brought up her omni-tool, a hologram of a Male Quarian appearing from the holographic gauntlet that appeared. She was beginning to tire of all the repairs over the past few weeks. Blinking she looked down at the hologram and asked, her accent that seemed oddly like a Russian or Middle Eastern accent, "Zel, where do we stand on repairs?"

An obviously synthesized voice with a similar accent issued forth from the omni-tool as the AI spoke, the hologram's head moving almost imperceptibly to give the appearance of actual speech, "It appears all necessary repairs to reach the next port are complete."

"Good, then we can get under way." She turned her head back toward the main console as the omni-tool disappeared and the hologram of the AI shrunk back with it. She flipped a few switches and pressed a few buttons and ship resumed its course. Soon she was about to return to FTL travel. As it turned out, she had initialized the drive wrong in her state of exhaustion. As the computer performed the calculations, by some flaw the computer did the impossible and correctly divided by zero. The drive spun up and immediately shut down, losing power to all non critical systems.

Lia sighed and started toward the drive again. Unbeknownst to her, a rift in space and time had opened. As she stepped through the doorway, she stepped through the tear. She was engulfed by darkness and it became hard to breathe. Then as soon as it had started, everything returned to normal, or sort of normal. She was now sitting on something semi soft and staring at a man in a suit. She almost mistook him for a male Quarian at first glance before she spotted all the differences. First being the 5 fingers. She was looking at a human. This wasn't her ship either. She looked down to find herself on the lap of one of these humans and fell over confused and startled. Fear was their too, but not as much as confusion.( confused )
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 7:53 pm

-December 31st, 2005 11:56PM-

Leon awoke with a splitting headache, the throbbing in his temple only intensifing when he tried to sit up. CNN was blaring from the TV opposite, casting the room in an eerie blue light. The agent swung his legs off the side of the couch, running his hands through his hair as he contemplated whether to even bother with getting dressed, it was a Saturday. His day off. He'd probably acculmulated three over the course of his career. With a groan, he he stood up and cracked his back, leaving the TV on and his living room a general mess he went to his small kitchen to grab a beer. He popped the tab and gave a toast to the television, "Happy New Years."

-Janurary 1st, 2012 12:00AM-

Leon first noted the sudden drop in tempature, then the fact his bare feet were resting on smooth gravel with a light dusting of snow. Last he checked, his living room had carpet. He openned his eyes to-

-New York.

He instantly closed them again, only to reopen them to the same scene, the same concrete jungle, "Okay, something's not right here." He shivered in the wind, reminding him of the fact he was clad in just a simple tee-shirt and a pair of thin sleep pants weren't much protection against freezing tempatures. He'd deal with how he got to New York once he found clothing.

Which...turned out to be easier than expected, since a small bundle of clothing was neatly folded in front of him on the roof. Along with his his Silver Ghost 9mm Handgun and his combat knife, someone knew his taste it would seem. He quickly snatched up the clothing before retreating to a nearby rooftop stairwell to change into essentially the same outfit he'd worn in Spain months prior, but with a new leather jacket to replace the one he lost. He slipped the leather holster over his shoulders before putting his loaded Silver Ghost into it's holster, along with his knife which found it's way to it's own seperate spot on his chest. He hid the whole ensemble beneath his jacket, which he zipped to hide fact he was packing heat. Didn't want to freak out some wide-eyed New Yorker, he had enough problems as it was.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 9:18 pm

Pain, that meant she was alive, for one. Good, for starters, at least, in this situation. The situation being she couldn't open her eyes for one. She could feel a slight breeze (She could feel, that was a good thing. Or was it?), a light blanket of snow descending on her, not melting. It couldn't melt; her body didn't give off heat. Of course, the heated air pockets between her clothes and skin should be fairly warm. But not warm enough to melt the slowly increasing amount of snowflakes descending upon her. Given, she couldn't move of course. Not yet anyway, though she could move her toes and the upper portion of her fingers. Both sides, lowered chance of brain damage. Interesting that she couldn't move just yet, but then, some things can't be explained.

She tried to move her legs fully, and was greeted with pain- and movement. She could move, but it hurt like hell, enormous amounts of pain traveling up and down her form. Her brain felt like somebody had stabbed thousands, if not millions of tiny blades, and sliced around for a bit. Wasn't the worst pain she had ever felt, but then it wasn't a cheery feeling, nor a fun one. Pan never was, despite pain being an object of thought, not really something physical per say (Nerves sent up sigs to her brain, though the signals weren't necessary, not really) But then, she had no room to complain really. She had a body, and despite it being flawed, she could at the least move and think. Most of the pain was subsiding anyway, just another mental scar to file away. Not that such a small amount of pain warranted a scar or anything. Low amount of pain to her, anyway.

At last, she opened her eyes, and could see. Lots of lights at the bottom of the roof. People moving, also. She had her typical jacket on(Lucky) some tennis shoes (Not so lucky) and a duffle bag, as well as a few packs. Her guns, her dirt, her ammo, her supplies. Typical things for her. She would have to move soon, and be careful. Not safe in the least to move about, in a city she didn't recognize, being in an alley. First, she made herself safe, and then she could regroup, think out a plan.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 9:57 pm

Andrew was in the middle of scanning the roof when he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. The Lone Wanderer snapped the iron sights towards the unknown, who seemed to be standing. He couldn't really tell who it was, due to the night sky and flutter of snow that had just begun to waft down. He could tell it was a feminine figure, however. That much was certain.

"Who are yo-" Andrew managed to begin, before the door to his right began to swing open. The Knight immedietly reacted, slamming his shoulder into the door. The steel pauldron forcing the door closed... well, aside from the front end of an H&K MP5A3 that stopped the door from closing. The SWAT Memeber on the otherside of the door panicked, squeezing his trigger; sending a flurry of 9mm rounds into the night sky.

The Lone Wanderer let his R91 hang from it's sling, keeping the door pressed against the man's SMG, while ripping his N99 10mm Pistol from it's holster. Andrew swapped it to his left hand, which he then twisted awkwardly around the door, below the MP5. The Brotherhood of Steel Knight pulled the trigger three times, hearing a loud groan and a large mass fall backwards.

The Knight cracked open the door swiftly, letting the MP5 fall out of the hatch, before slamming it shut all the way. He quickly holstered the N99, while pulling a Frag Grenade from his kit. Dangling from the pin was a pre-tied fish line, looped in a 'noose' at the end. Andrew quickly looped the noose over the door's knob, tightening it up as he did so. He then leaned around the corner a few inches to the door's right, on the otherside of the Roof Entrance's structure. He wedged the frag grenade between a water pipe and the concrete wall, making sure there was no slack in the line.

Andrew turned, gripping his R91 while rushing over to the female figure he'd seen earlier. But he ran past her, instead heading for the edge of the roof. The man placed one running foot on the very edge, raising his other foot while pushing off.

The Lone Wanderer seemed to list in the air, the alley several floors down seemed looming and welcoming to it's possible victim. But inertia won the battle, and Andrew landed on the roof for the Apartments on the other side - barely.

While this occured, the door to the roof opened, immedietly ripping out the pin of the Frag Grenade. The SWAT Member looked down in confusion from the clinking noise and odd reseistance the door had provided. The man then spotted the pin of the frag grenade skitter across his view, the man's goggled eyes widened, while looking over his shoulder.

"Get dow-" the SWAT Member was cut off as the frag exploded, caving in the small, square structure that made up the roof's entrance. The shockwave immedietly blew apart the man's internal organs. His Squad was then bombarded by a rain of concrete and rubble, causing the rest to fall back down the flight of stairs in a tangled mess.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 11:21 pm

A downpur of rubble fell down, as if to compliement the slowly picking up blanket of snow descending on her. She shook her body once up, taking most of the snow off her, luckily, it was a thin layer. She could hear sirens in the distance, lights all around. New York, New York City. The Big apple. She hadn't been here in what, a decade? It had certainly changed a lot in the meantime. How was she hear anyway? She couldn't teleport over water, nor could she just move here instantly. Something was off. Not even counting the crazy in some Sci FI armor armed to the teeth. Best not say anything, may piss it off.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 11:31 pm

Andrew glanced over his shoulder as he landed on the adjacent roof, swearing lightly to himself as he heard the explosion. He spotted the womanly figure who seemed to just... stand there. He very well knew that due to his actions, those SWAT Officers were going to gun her down on sight.

The Lone Wanderer inwardly groaned, turning around and wasting precious time. But he'd never been one to leave an innocent behind, as the Capital Wasteland well knew. "Ma'am, it isn't safe here! Jump across, I'll catch you!" He called, bracing himself to catch the woman, if she jumped for him.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 12:14 am

The SWAT team had failed to notice the fact that this mysterious woman with the lightly glowing mask was missing a few fingers or toes. She hadn't been taken for what she really was. A nonhuman extra terrestrial. The Quarian was now in the car of a police office who had arrived on scene a couple of minutes ago.

The officer had tried talking to her. He generally got a response but her voice and accent puzzled him. Her voice contained a metallic tinge. Her accent was one he couldn't pin down either. He also noticed that her body seemed to give the appearance of being more frail than most humans. He noted that she sounded intellectual also. All of this tied in with the suit that she refused to remove and the mask she insisted on wearing, gave the officer an uneasy feeling.

Lia looked down at the metal cuffs that had been used in an attempt to bind her arms at the wrists. He hand had slid free with a little work. Now the metal restraints lay in the seat. The officer stood outside the vehicle, a short ways off, no more than a few feet. Her omni-tool had no effect on the door, obviously an archaic manual form of lock. Why had the humans gone back to these inferior forms of vehicle and locking mechanisms. She was baffled. The city was so low tech also. it made no sense. She managed to work the cover free from the inner door and delved into discovering how to release the latch. A little trial and error resulted in her managing to mash her finger twice, but the door finally opened with an audible click thump. The officer failed to notice this as Lia quietly opened the door and exited the vehicle.

On the other side of the streets were some alleys in which she could escape for now. She had managed to recover her shotgun and pistol undetected before quietly rushing across the street, hardly audible under normal circumstances. It filtered into the background noise and was masked from ears. She managed to meld into the darkness, the glow of her eyes the only way you could spot her.

The officer would notice she was gone very soon and notify others. The Quarian had to hide. She opted for an abandoned warehouse, hiding inside the building amongst the boxes that remained for some reason or another.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 12:18 am

He didn't have to catch her, considering her abilities. She could teleport, but that'd be revealing to much to soon, far to much for such little reason. However, she could use a little gravity defiance, maybe? She grabbed her packs, and duffel bags, and made a running jump, nowhere near the power armor wearing wanderer. Somehow, while in mid jump, she didn't even descend from the peak of her jump, having about a foot of air between her and the next roof. Interesting, his reaction could be bad. Nothing she could do now. She adjusted her pack, and switched her duffel bag from her right hand to her left.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 3:40 am

MidgÄrd, Khan's Stronghold

Thom's mind registered the same thoughts each and every second. They repeated the words of the note. Over and over they continued, drilling into his mind the importance of the note. It was obvious that the matter was serious, as ink blotches and small drop of blood meant she was in pain. The young mage had always cared about Kathryn, and imagining her in pain was a horror to him. He had seen her take damage before, but it was his job to heal her: A spell she had not yet mastered. A spell so important...

If one were to be sitting around in Khan's Stronghold on this fine day, amongst the rotting Orc corpses, the charred trolls and the wrecked structures, they could maybe make out a small blur travelling in and out of their vision in under a second. Thom had mastered the ability to cast and use two magicks at once, a feat impressive to any mage or wizard, young or old. He had taken advantage of this and was once again snooping around the camp, invisible and using Haste. Of course, the invisibility wasn't too important, as everything in the area that could do damage were the maggots and flies, mauling the corpses slowly in hunger.

The strong scent of death and dirty loitered, mixed with the ash of the fired which had burnt on in angst for over half a year. They seemed to glint against the blur, as if trying to reveal the mage's position to something evil. Something evil ready to avenge the flames. The flames which refused to be doused; Through rain, through snow they burned. Burning, as if wanting to cremate the ones who fought.

A shudder rippled through Thom's body as he halted from his third lap around the camp. He had found nothing. Nothing of interest. The same old flames. The same old bodies. The same old smell. Nothing had changed since the four strong party of young wizards had passed, causing death and bringing humiliation to the elders who had trained for hours on end.

Ignoring thoughts of death and pain for Kathryn's sake, Thom summoned some Tesla energy, lightning which crackled with a terrible vibe. The electricity circled the pendant atop the staff, casting a faint, eery glow against the dirty, dusty floor as the sun began to set. Purple and orange glows, contrasting against each other, fighting like opposites.

Fire and Water.

Arcane and Life.

Life. A new one. Without pain, fear, death... A life of happiness. A life... Noisy as the city of New York. Times Square to be exact. And among all the noise, Thom looked around and felt a pang in his chest.

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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 6:51 am

Before Nova could even blink, a cascade of events spiralled out of control before her eyes: a power-armoured human (who she almost mistook for a Terran Marine, were it not for the strange armour configuration), an armoured car drawing up and disgorging a squad of soldiers and attempting to take down the man and some kind of visored alien amidst the whole lot.

Darting out of sight and ensuring she was well and truely out of sight, she settled down on a second-floor on the opposite side of the street. Any attempt to open fire her would cause too much trouble for her - she needed a more subtle form of observation.

It was a rare and dangerous psionic skill. Domination - the ability to temporarily manipulate a human mind, allow it to act as her eyes and ears. On the other hand, it drained her and she would likely be unable to bring her psionic abilities to bear for at least an hour or so. She closed her eyes as she sent her psionic senses wide, trying to find a suitable canidate.

No, not suitable. Too stong-willed. Negative, not armed -

Wait, there. A suitable canidate. Law enforcement, armed with a 5.56mm sub-machine gun. Possible risk to self: None... for now.

She shifted her mental focus onto the officer, gradually forcing her psionic consciousness into the human's mind. He may not last long or her concentration would be disrupted if the subject was shot. She had to make this count.

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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 7:53 am

By the time Leon had made his way to the ground floor of the apartment complex and out onto the streets the snow had went from a dusting to more of a sheet. Kennedy grumbled slightly, he wasn't exactly dressed for the weather and he didn't exactly know for how long he'd be stuck in New York, then again, that'd be the length of time required to walk to an airport and purchase a ticket.

With the money he didn't have.

So much for leaving in a timely fashion to return to his wonderful day off. But that was the Kennedy luck it would seem.
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Times Square, New York City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Times Square, New York City   Times Square, New York City Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 5:14 pm

In the dark, Andrew hadn't noticed the woman's seemingly gravity defiant abilities, but he was surprised by the fact she had jumped the roof without help. But there wasn't really anytime to talk about it.

The Lone Wanderer rushed over to the Roof Access door, wrenching it open and scanning down the stairs, R91 at the ready. It seemed to be clear. The Knight looked back over at the woman, holding the door open. "C'mon, get inside!" He hissed. Something didn't feel right, whether or not it was just simple paranoia or his fine tuned instincts was up for debate.
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